Laughing Blogger

I’m a Funny Guy, Funny like Ha! Ha!

Archive for December 2009

Death Of American Companies

At work Managers and such at all levels come up with ways to screw us “Rank and File” employees over. They sacrifice our Holidays in the name of saving money. In the end they end up destroying an otherwise Good Company and turning it into a Corporation. Oh, The Bank like the one ran by George Bailey is a “Good Company”.

With all their Gobbledygook College Degrees, Six Sigma, Lean, TOS, Tutti Frutti, Statistical Analyzes, Metric Driven, Behaviors and anything else some Upper Level Manager buys from a Snake Oil Salesman they always go “Low Tech” They lack the actual Creativity to bring new ideas into this Consciousness. They revert to Low Tech ways like a Doctor from 2 Centuries ago would use, “Cut, Burn and Poison”

When Toyota made a tour of several Large American Based Corporations they were most impressed by the Piggly Wiggly Grocer Company, not some auto maker!

Then all those Gobbledygook Program classes you have to attend or take like Diversity Training. How can you train someone to be “Diverse” You can’t, but you can indoctrinate one into a Mind Set for Behavior Control. Political Correctness.

They take from the workers and run to their VP’s and say “Look what I’ve done!”, “Look at the Wonder I have performed!”, “I’m the best in the whole Company”, “Where is my Big Bonus!” and “Look at me, I’m so Great!”

The Upper Management use all those Flavor of the Month programs to use on Stock and Share Holders of the Company. This is while they rape the coffers of the Company until it takes on too much debt and becomes a Corporation. Once you become a Corporation you are on the Slippery Slope to Bankruptcy. Communist and Marxist have been destroying our Companies in America for years through all those Self-Defeating Programs that are implemented under the auspice of saving money and becoming more efficient.

So where have the 12 Days of Christmas gone? I think we have been cheated out! We’re (Christmasphile’s, not necessarily Christian mind you) are down to 2 days, Christmas Day and New Years Day. Dude! WTF?

How can a Corporation use Disciplinary Actions against you? By whose authority? Why do the Federal, State and Local Governments let their constituents be subjugated to some possibly Foreign Entity? They offer you up as Serfs! That’s how and why! Sounds outlandish or outrageous? Think on it and I’ll expound upon it further, Next Year.

Written by laughingblogger

December 25, 2009 at 6:19 pm

What Should Republicans Do Now?

Written by laughingblogger

December 24, 2009 at 11:19 am

It’s Complicated and Other Cliché Movies

It’s Complicated and Other Cliché Movies
“It’s Complicated” is a Relationship Status selection on facebook (FB).
“Complicated” is a four-way with a transsexual, two bisexuals and a midget.

We all know what an “Avatar” is. Typically an Alter Ego or your favorite Pornstar.

Remember “You’ve Got Mail”? That was an AOL thing. Of course, we all know today using AOL is synonymous for being Internet Illiterate.

Formula: Top Billing Actors/Actresses (Oscar or Emmy Winners+$$%%) or Bad A$$ FX. Use new term in the American Lexicon and establish Ownership by Foie Gras Les Idées Politiques Progressistes.

Written by laughingblogger

December 13, 2009 at 3:19 pm

Silent Contempt – Cadets Sending Their Own Message

I saw photos on Yahoo! NEWS with cadets reading “On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society” and “Kill Bin Laden”. Barack Whosane Obama’s speech in front of a “Captive Audience” at West Point laden with covert and sublime messages to terrorist, World Governments and Dominoes Pizza. The Cadets were sending their own messages.

The books they were reading were intentional. They were sending a message to Obama. I heard that several fell asleep and were escorted out. I’ve stood at Parade Rest and Attention during Ceremonies, Inspections and speeches while on Active Duty. You have people who lock their knees and pass out. There are normally “Spotters” and Corpsmen staged in that case.

I have heard that the course and workload at our Military Academies are rigorous, tight and in-flexible. It would seem plausible that some cadets would succumb to fatigue. However, one would think a Cadet would be on their best behavior, right? He or she would fight off dozing drawing upon Super-Human Strength you would think? On the other hand, without being “Written Up” for disrespect, falling asleep might have been the Cadets form of a “Silent Protest”.

1894 Army Officer’s Manual: “Enlisted men are stupid, but extremely cunning and sly, and bear considerable watching.”

At about the same time and up to the 1970’s “Silent Contempt” was punishable by a Court Martial.

Written by laughingblogger

December 3, 2009 at 12:02 pm